Friday, September 14, 2012

Friday Food: Apple Chips

This is the 2nd edition of Friday Food!!  Feel free to join in by posting a food related blog post and then linking up at the bottom of this post!! :) 


Ok, this one is a rather easy, yet TASTY recipe! I’ll be making
some more of these tomorrow! :)  You’ll need apples and cinnamon,
parchment paper and a cookie sheet… that’s all!!


1. Turn the oven on to 200*
2. Line the cookie sheet with the parchment paper
3. Cut the apples in to thin slices (side-to-side, not top-to-bottom)
4. Place the slices on the parchment lined cookie sheet
5. Sprinkle Cinnamon on top of the apples
6. Place them in the oven for an hour, then take them out and
make sure they aren’t sticking to the parchment paper
7. Keep them in the oven for 3 hours or until completely dried out
(don’t worry, they’re supposed to get kind of crinkly!)  :)
8. Cool and enjoy! :)

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Sunday, September 9, 2012

My Memories Suite Giveaway Winner

Hey guys, Sorry for the delay!  I had just started blogging a little bit again and then school started back up and I started my Practicum/Internship so I’ve been trying to get my school/internship/homework/work/hubby time all worked out!  ;)  Once everything settles back down a little bit I hope to make room in my schedule to blog a few times a week… maybe set aside an hour 2-3 days a week to blog/read blogs! :)  I sure do miss you all!

Anyways… The winner of the My Memories Suite Giveaway (as chosen by is……

Comment #12!!!!


Congratulations Amy Lauren!! :)  I’ll email you sometime this week and I’ll also be forwarding your email address on to the people over at MyMemories!! :) Can’t wait to see what you do with it!!  :)

For those of you who didn’t win, remember you can use my coupon code at My Memories Suite to get $10 dollars off AND a $10 Dollar credit for add-ons! :)  Just click the image below and copy and paste my coupon code!!


USE THIS COUPON CODE (just copy and paste!): 


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