
Friday, September 17, 2010

Thank You! (Clif Bar Giveaway)

Well, as many of you know, I went through somewhat of a downer the past couple of weeks.  If you are a new follower (wow! 53 already?) let me recap for you!

I started feeling bad last Monday (9/6) and ended up in the ER Thursday evening with chest pain and shortness of breath

Friday morning I had a cardiologist appointment

Laid around feeling sorry for myself because I wasn’t allowed running on Saturday and my boyfriend took me out Sunday for a fun 3D movie date to take my mind off of it

Finally, on Wednesday, I got my heart exams scheduled at the hospital

Had my echo-stress test yesterday (Thursday 9/16) and got great news! :D

I am feeling a lot better today and have decided to rest over the weekend and get rid of it completely (hopefully) and start running on Monday!!

Phew… that should catch you up about this whole fiasco!  So yesterday, I kinda felt silly after going in for a test and it coming back that my heart is healthy and it was nothing but a chest cold and lack of sleep.  BUT I guess it’s always a good idea to get checked out before you start a new sport/exercise anyways right? 

Well, after each time that I posted an update on my health, you all would leave such fun, uplifting, caring comments!  I would thank you in the next post for being so wonderful and that it meant a lot to me that you all were helping me through the past couple of weeks, and not making me feel like an idiot for being scared about nothing!  But, surely, I could do a little something extra for you all since you were thinking of me and praying for me, right?!

Well, Josh, a representative from Giveaway Scout had contacted me a couple weeks ago about adding my blog to their site and I didn’t think anything of it since I just started blogging and hadn’t had a giveaway.  Well, I remembered it when I was thinking of what I could do, and seeing that I have a lovely LONG list of giveaways on my right sidebar already, I thought “why not do a giveaway?!  Everyone loves giveaways!”  So, that’s what I’m doing!

**If you don’t know what giveaway scout is check them out HERE!  Basically it’s a website that has a list of TONS of giveaways across Internet Land and scans submitted blogs for giveaways to post on their site.  Kinda cool!

As I was sidelined from running, I decided to go food shopping because lets face it… I LOVE TO EAT!  And yes, I sometimes use food as comfort!  So, feeling like going on an adventure, I decided to mosey (one of my fave words) on over to the “health” aisle and I saw all sorts of bars, energy bars, meal replacement bars, fruit bars, chocolate bars, protein bars…. it seriously took me a while to figure out that I wanted to try one of these bars and which one it should be… well, the 10 for $10 sale on Clif Bars kinda won out! (click the words to go to the site)

I didn’t get to try them out before a run, but I did eat a couple crunchy peanut butter bars just because, and they were delicious and not hard to bite into or chew like a lot of other bars I’ve tried!  In fact, I liked them so much I went back for more!  Now I want to share a new found favorite with you guys!

So thank you so much you guys for being so supportive! You guys are SERIOUSLY AWESOME!! :D

Up for grabs is THREE Clif Bars of the winner’s choice (as long as they have that flavor available at my local grocery store). 


This giveaway ends on September 23rd (Next Thursday). The winner will be chosen using the ever so popular and will be posted Friday (9/24) after I arrive safely in Tennessee!

To Enter:


1.  You HAVE to be a follower of this blog because the whole reason of giving something away today is to thank you for being a friend!  I’m not opposed to making new friends so if you’re already a follower leave a comment, if you’re not already a follower, become one and leave a comment! :D

Extra Entries:

1.  Follow me on Twitter and let me know in a comment.

2. Post my giveaway on Twitter and leave me a comment.  You can use this: 

@superwoman4002 is having a @ClifBar #giveaway on her blog!

3. Post my giveaway on your blog and, you guessed it, leave me a comment!


If you have a product you would like to feature on my blog, or would like to host a giveaway, please contact me at

Fine Print:  I am providing this giveaway out of my funds and the opinions are entirely my own!


  1. Woot Woot! I Follow! Glad you are better!

  2. I am so a follower! I am really glad you are doing better, and I love Clif bars!

  3. I’d like to point out... In a recent comment you said:

    “I am angleless lol... Just plain and ordinary over here ;)… have no idea how to make my blog stick out from the rest”.

    I disagree…and would like to take this moment to note that you have surpassed EVEN me with followers. Keep it up the wicked awesome posting...

  4. Love Clif bars! And I follow you :)

  5. Hi Zaneta -
    I'm a follower. What a nice give-away you're hosting.

  6. I have posted your contest on my blog under "win this" on the side bar.
    p.s. enjoy the taper SMILE!
    Glad you're feeling better.

  7. oh my gosh, I had no idea, I must have missed your last post! I am glad it was a false alarm and that you are feeling better :)

  8. I am a follower, and I am glad to hear you are doing well!

  9. I also posted about your contest in my giveaway section!

  10. Hiya, I just came across your blog via Adam's twitter page.
    I notice we have a lot in common - I ran my first HM this year (May) and I like knitting and reading too!

    Awesome giveaway, by the way! I'd enter it, but I feel bad because I just came across your diary. ;)

  11. OMG so scary! glad you are feeling better! always better to have it checked out and be safe rather than sorry!

  12. First--so glad all turned out well for you! Second, I'm a follower.

  13. I follow you on twitter @vivalameaganx3


  14. Tweeted!


  15. Clif bars are awesome! I'm a follower! :)

  16. I follow you on Twitter now (@heathamursch)!

  17. Oh, and I follow you through my google reader. :)

  18. I'm so glad that the tests came back in the clear!! Thanks also for stopping by my blog. :)

  19. I'm a follower- so glad you're doing better. Cliff's bars are awesome too!

    Amy Lauren

  20. You're linked to my sidebar - it's the least I could do since you just entered my contest...

  21. I tweeted

  22. Yum! I love the Macadamia Nut Clif Bar...if you ever see it, try it!

    I'm a follower!

  23. how did i miss this??? i love clif. im now "officially" following your blog, ive been reading, thought i was following, but guess i wasnt.

  24. following you on twitter @jogforjoubert

  25. and linked you in on thumbs up thursday!


Thanks for stopping by! I love hearing from you! Have a GREAT day!! :)