Thursday, December 30, 2010

Leave of Absence

I’m sorry for my absence here in the blog world…   I just have a lot going on right now… I feel really bad because I had some giveaways all lined up for the month of December and only got one done…

I will be posting the others as soon as I can, I promise!!  But, I’m so busy right now that I just wanted to tell you all that I will try to pop in every once in a while with updates and such :)  I’ll try to make it around to a few blogs every once in a while too when I have time! :)

I hope you all had a GREAT Christmas!!  AND… if I don’t pop in before the 1st, have a Happy New Year as well!!  2011 is full of promises and goals! :)

Saturday, December 25, 2010


Merry Christmas everyone!!  I love this season/holiday not because of the gifts
but THE gift of Jesus to the world!!  I hope that everyone has a blessed
and may we never forget the reason for the season!!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Just a Little Notice

I have gotten a lot of comments and emails from people telling me that they have sent out their Christmas cards… Thank you!! :D

However, there are still quite a few that I have not heard from.  The deadline was supposed to be December 15th for sending out the cards.  If you have not sent them out yet, please please please, send them out in today’s mail!!

Thank you all for signing up!  This has been a lot of fun!!  If by tomorrow, I haven’t heard from someone, I will email you asking you if you’ve sent out your cards and just remind you to send them out as soon as possible, as Christmas is THIS Saturday!! woohoo!! :D

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

My Exciting News!

Ok, so I know I left you all hanging Monday when I posted the ITunes winner lol… 

As you all know (or now know) I got engaged on Dec 2nd! You can click on the link to read our engagement story if you would like! :)


The exciting news is that we set a date!!!

JUNE 25, 2011!!! :D


So, that is why I haven’t been able to get around to all your blogs and comment because we’ve been PLANNING A WEDDING!!! :D  6 months to plan a wedding!!

So, do any of you have any advice or stories (funny or serious) from when you
were planning your wedding or of the actual wedding day?!  I’d love to hear them!

192 Days Left!! :)

Monday, December 13, 2010

ITunes Winner

So, I apologize for the delay… Me and my Fiancé have been discussing some things…
Which I think deserves a post all of its own ;) … and I got my ring back from
sizing today!! That is why I have been a little absent!  Please forgive me! ;)

Now… without further ado I give you the winner of the $10 ITunes Gift Certificate Giveaway as determined by Random Number Generator…

Caroline from Journey to a Half Marathon!!!

Please shoot me an email with your address!!

Thanks to everyone who entered and welcome to all my new followers!!  If I can ever stop being so excited I will post a couple more giveaways here before Christmas lol ;)

Friday, December 10, 2010

Giveaway Reminder!!


You have 2 days left to enter my ITunes gift certificate giveaway!!


Tis the Season for Reviews: Skirt Sports Skirt Breaker Jacket

skirt-sports-logo-2010 You can click the logo to go to their website
Tis the season for a review of a great item that you can buy as a gift or for someone else this Christmas season!!  I bought the Skirt Sports Skirt Breaker Jacket at my Women’s Half Marathon Expo in Nashville this September.  I saw it and liked it and had them hold it for me so I could walk around and think about it a little before I purchased it.  (Which they kindly did)  I bought it for $100** which is what it sells for on their website.
8000030_800x885 8000030back_800x885
I wore this jacket for my Thanksgiving Day Turkey Trot (I have no pictures because it was raining.  BUT… I LOVE this jacket by Skirt Sports!!  It’s rather thin, and not bulky, and is very feminine.  The cut is flattering and is very cute!  It doesn’t make you look like you’re wearing a garbage bag like other rain jackets may do!  It kept me rather dry… the only part of my shirt that was wet was the very bottom where the long sleeve tee was hanging out past the jacket and a couple spots from sweat ;) 
**My parents actually paid half and said “Merry EARLY Christmas” ;)
Here is the picture of the tag that came on the Breaker:
8000front_800x885 8000zipper_800x885 8000cuff_800x885 8000backzipper_800x885 8000030lspc_800x885
Here is a little blurb taken from Skirt Sports website about the jacket:

Product Overview

With wind proof, water resistant, see through fabric, the Skirt Breaker Jacket doesn't wait for the storm to pass! Lightweight, easy-to-pack, and loaded with reflective features, this jacket is the best value in town.

Features & Benefits

  • Flattering hourglass design lines
  • Wind-resistant internal zipper lining
  • Raglan sleeves with wide cuffs
  • Cozy cuffs with thumbholes
  • Reflective piping on back yoke & back zipper pocket
  • Underarm ventilation
  • Semi-transparent steel gray color

I love this jacket! Thank you Skirt Sports for a wonderful product!!

I was not compensated for this review in any way, the thoughts are all
my own and I just wanted to share a great product with you that you
could buy as a Christmas gift or for yourself :) All the pictures (except the tag)
are taken from Skirt Sports website!

If you are a company looking for someone to review your products or would like to
host a review on my blog, please contact me (Zaneta) at

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

2010 Christmas Card Swap Group Info

Okie Dokie everyone… I stayed up a little past my bedtime emailing everyone their group info (addresses and introductions)!! :D  If anything needs fixed, please let me know as soon as possible so I can get it taken care of!!  Also, if you didn’t get an email, but signed up let me know!!! PLEASE send your cards out by December 15th!!  Also, let me know when you send your cards out! (this way, if someone for some reason doesn’t send out cards I can send cards to the people who are missing out!) I hope everyone has fun with this!! You all have made it fun to put together because you’re so excited!! :D  I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas!!

Monday, December 6, 2010

2010 Christmas Card Swap Groups

YAY!!! It’s snowing here in Ohio and it’s so pretty!!  I bet you all are excited to get your groups for the card swap?!  You will be getting an email with your group’s information (address and introductions) at some point tonight because I have to go to work, but here are the groups!!  I used to put you in groups and made sure that if you said “max 5” you got put in the right group, or if you said “no mailing abroad”.  If for some reason you signed up but can’t find your name in a group, LET ME KNOW AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!!  Also, once you get an email with your group, if there are any problems please let me know as soon as you can and I will switch the groups around!! Thanks for joining in on the fun everyone!!!  Cards must be sent out NO later than December 15th! Please comment on this post or send me an email letting me know that you sent your cards! :D

2010 Christmas Card Swap Logo


Group Reindeer

Jody from Running With Sharp Objects
Suzana from More to Life Than This
Karyn from This Mama's 26.2 Mile Journey
Christina from Making Healthy the Norm
Leslie from And Her Little Dog Too
Stacie from Impossible Is Nothing
April from Mommy's Fit for the King
Mr. and Mrs. Leonor Carey No Blog

Group Snowflake

Bobbie from 2010 Journey in Running
Caroline from Journey to a Half Marathon
Tiina from One Crazy Penguin
Scott from Big Daddy Diesel
Janae from Hungry Runner Girl
Zaneta from Runner’s Luck
Trish from Begin Again and Again and Again
Emily from If I Can't Convince You, I'll Atleast Confuse You

Group Mistletoe

Erica from I Run Because... I Can
Kim from (Just) Trying is for Little Girls
Laurie from The (Mis)Adventure of a Jogging-Stroller Mom
Randi from S Club 4
Courtney from Run, Courtney, Run
Amy Lauren from Amy Lauren's Blog
Monique from Confessions of a Lazy Athlete

Group Cookie

Jill from Run With Jill
Kadie from There She Runs
Christel from Silly Girl Running
Barefoot Neil Z from Because All the Cool Kids Are Doing It
Keeley from Wanderer in a Strange Land
Melanie from Half Marathon Rookie
Julie from The Hotlegs Runner

Group Joy

Irene from Tales From the Back of the Pack
Christina from Lace it up and Run
Alanna from Running 42km
Aneta from Running Bucket
Amy from Amy Runs a Marathon

Group Peace

Jamie from Heat Runner
Sherry from Life From My Perspective
Kate from Run With Kate
Daphne from Racing for the Rainbow
Kathy from Running, Life, Learning and Growing
Rae from 5k Rae
Jill from Run for the Hills

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Weekly Roundup: November 29-December 5


Monday:  Rest
Tuesday:  Rest
Wednesday:  15min run (1.5 miles); [10lbs] (10 Bicep, 10 Tricep, 5 lat) X2, 10 squatting rows, 20 Lunges; stretch  [+1.5+1]
Thursday: .21 miles (6:20) walk and GOT ENGAGED!!!! :D  [+.21]
Friday:  Rest
Saturday:  Rest
Sunday:  Nightly (50/10)

HBBC for Week =  2.71
HBBC Total =   23.21


Thursday, December 2, 2010 my handsome boyfriend of 3 years and almost 9 months made me the happiest girl in the world by asking me to marry him!! :D  You can read the story HERE!! I had to take my ring in today to get sized and I should have it back on December 23rd at the latest… hopefully it doesn’t take long at all :)

DSC00735 3

Blog Posts From The Week

Here’s the Deal…
Hear Ye, Hear Ye…
Pardon The Interruption…
Tis The Season For Giveaways and Reviews
Tis The Season For Giveaways: I-Tunes Gift Certificate Giveaway

Registered Races

5/7/11 – Capital City Half Marathon

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Tis The Season For Giveaways: I-Tunes Gift Certificate Giveaway

Tis the Season for Giveaways and I’m starting off with a fun one!!! :D  I LOVE music!!  I have only run without music once I believe.  It wasn’t bad, but I prefer to dance and sing along while I’m running… especially those longer distances.  I really don’t have a favorite song to work out to or a specific “running” playlist.  I just set my Ipod to shuffle and off I go.


Itunes gift cards make great Christmas gifts because the recipient can buy whatever songs they want and they don’t have to buy the whole CD!!  Also, this way, you don’t risk buying someone a CD or songs they already have!! Now you have the chance to win a $10 Itunes gift card for yourself or for someone else!! :D

Here’s how to enter
(please leave a separate comment for each):


1. Be a follower of my blog!  It’s easy… just hit the “FOLLOW” button on the right sidebar of my blog!


1. Tell me what your favorite workout song is

2. Post this giveaway on your blog

3. Follow me on Twitter

4. Tweet the following:  
Check out the ITunes Giveaway that @superwoman4002 is having on her blog!!

5. Link back to the official page of “Tis the Season for Giveaways & Reviews” using the following logo and URL


That’s six(6) ways to enter this giveaway!! Don’t forget to leave a separate comment for each entry!! Last day to enter will be December 11th (Saturday) and I will use to choose the winner December 12th (Sunday)!

***I was not paid for this giveaway and the prize was purchased by me with my own funds

Tis The Season For Giveaways and Reviews

So, after all the excitement of getting engaged (you can read the story HERE) we can get back to the regular programming ;)  YES I GOT ENGAGED!!!! lol ok, sorry… still a tad bit excited over here lol…

For the month of December, I wanted to do something special for all my readers (all 126 of you!!!)!  I still can’t believe that 126 of you find my life, and running, adventures that exciting to read about lol ;)  Anyways… With the help of a few different companies, my blog is going into full blown “Tis the Season for Giveaways and Reviews”!!  How exciting right?!


I figured that December was a great time as some people wait ‘til last minute to buy Christmas gifts and sometimes just don’t know what to get people, so I’ll be reviewing some stuff that I love and having a few giveaways thrown into the mix because I LOVE CHRISTMAS TIME and giving things to people! :)

Also, I am working on putting the groups together for the 2010 Christmas Card Swap and should have those posted either tonight or tomorrow!  I’ll also send out an email with your groups addresses, so be on the lookout!! :D

What’s your favorite thing about this time of year?!


If you are a company and would like me to include your product in a
review or giveaway, you can contact me at

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Pardon The Interruption…

I had a post started earlier and was going to explain all the fun stuff that I have planned for the month of December but then something completely MORE fun and MUCH more important happened today!!!


I am so happy right now!  I feel like I’m living a dream!!!
My boyfriend of a little more than 3 1/2 years asked me to marry him today
and of course I said YES!!!

Here’s the short version without all the tiny details lol…

My boyfriend had class today and wanted to know if I wanted to go running after he got out around 1:30.  Of course, I said I would LOVE to (duh.. run?!) but ended up having to go to work!  Well, I ended up leaving work early and I met Joshuah to go running afterall!  I was so excited because we never get to spend time like that together anymore!

It was freezing out of course so we were all bundled up and Josh suggested we just walk a little bit to warm up before we took off running, so I grabbed his hand and we started walking… We talked about the bike path being kinda like life and how you run into different people and different things a long the way, things like that and then we came to the covered bridge that holds a soft spot in each of our hearts, and decided to go in, out of the wind to reminisce a little bit and he told me he had learned a new magic trick (being silly as always)…


So I closed my eyes and told him it better not be the tickle monster and he told me it wasn’t lol…  Then he told me I could open my eyes and turn around. Needless to say we never ended up running lol…

7393a9061ee2__1291320802000This is the exact spot he proposed to me!! (pretty snow)

Reenactment after we walked back to get my phone for pictures

I’m pretty sure I had no clue it was coming!  I was so surprised!!  I didn’t even look at the ring! lol… I covered my mouth and shook my head yes as I cried happy tears and I managed to squeak out a verbal “yes” as I sat on his knee and hugged him for dear life!  I am the happiest girl alive right now!!  I can’t stop smiling! :D



We don’t have a date set yet as we haven’t really talked about it much yet.  We both have some college left (about 2 years each) so we’ll see…

All I can say is, that was the BEST “run” of my life!!! ;)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Hear Ye, Hear Ye…

The 2010 Christmas Card Swap is now CLOSED!!

closed card swap
Thanks to everyone who joined!! :)  If you didn’t get to join this year, there is always next year! :)  It was such a hit this year that I’ve decided to hold it annually!  How fun is that? Here is the list of people I have who signed up.  If for some reason you remember signing up but your name is NOT on this list… please please PLEASE contact me as soon as possible and we’ll get it all straightened out!  You guys rock and are making this fun to put together!!  I’ll start working on the groups and have them posted no later than December 5th!  Also, I have some more FUN stuff planned for the month of December so be on the lookout!!  I’m hoping to have a post up either tonight or tomorrow about it!

I hope everyone is having a GREAT Dec 1st!!

List of People in the 2010 Christmas Card Swap

Zaneta from Runner’s Luck
Randi from S Club 4
Laurie from The (Mis)Adventure of a Jogging-Stroller Mom
Tiina from One Crazy Penguin
Amy Lauren from A Couple Dents in my Fender, A Couple Rips in my Jeans
Keeley from Wanderer in a Strange Land
Christina from Lace it up and Run
Melanie from Half Marathon Rookie
Courtney from Run, Courtney, Run
Rae from 5k Rae
Kim from (Just) Trying is for Little Girls
Janae from Hungry Runner Girl
Irene from Tales From the Back of the Pack
Alanna from Running 42km 
Suzana from More to Life Than This
Kadie from There She Runs
Christina from Making Healthy the Norm
April from Mommys Fit for the King
Kathy from Running, Life, Learning and Growing
Daphne from Racing for the Rainbow
Amy from Amy Runs a Marathon
Christel from Silly Girl Running
Erica from I Run Because…I Can
Kate from Run With Kate
Aneta from Running Bucket
Trish from Begin Again and Again and Again
Monique from Confessions of a Lazy Athlete
Julie from The Hotlegs Runner
Caroline from Journey to a Half Marathon
Sherry from Life From My Perspective
Jamie from Heat Runner
Jill from Run for the Hills
Stacie from Impossible is Nothing
Jody from Running With Sharp Objects
Bobbie from 2010 Journey in Running
Barefoot Neil Z from Because All the Cool Kids Are Doing It
Scott from Big Daddy Diesel
Karyn from This Mama's 26.2 Mile Journey

Jill from Run With Jill
Leslie from And Her Little Dog Too
Emily from If I Can't Convince You, I'll At Least Confuse You
Mr. and Mrs. Leonor Carey (No Blog)

Here’s the Deal…

I got called into work, and realized that I have some people still signing up for the 2010 Christmas Card Swap so I’m going to move the deadline to 5pm ET tonight (DEC 1)!!  If you want to sign up, you still can until I get home from work!  Just click on the name of the swap above or the picture on my sidebar to get to the official page!  I hope everyone has a wonderful day!!  HAPPY DECEMBER!!!

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