Friday, August 31, 2012

Friday Food: Hot Fudge-Peanut Butter Pie

I decided to start a Friday Food!  I’ll be posting recipes on Fridays AND you all can link up your recipes/blogs at the bottom! :)

**WARNING:  I never claimed this was a health food blog!  Just sayin’ ;)

I LOVE peanut butter and chocolate together!!  My favorite candy is Reese Cups, I LOVE dipping Oreos in peanut butter and I mix melted peanut butter into chocolate pudding… so when I found this recipe In the coupons/ads, I knew it was going to be absolutely delicious!! I actually found a very similar recipe online for you all here.



- 1 cup Jif Creamy Peanut Butter (plus 2 tbsp divided)
- 1 (8 oz.) package cream cheese, softened
- 1/2 cup sugar
- 1 (12 oz.) container (4 1/2 cups) frozen whipped topping, thawed and divided
- 1 prepared chocolate pie crust
- 1 (11.75 oz.) jar Smucker’s Hot Fudge Spoonable Ice Cream Topping, divided


1. BEAT together 1 cup peanut butter, cream cheese and sugar in large bowl with an electric mixer on medium until well combined. Gently mix in 3 cups whipped topping until thoroughly combined. Spoon mixture into pie crust. Using spatula, smooth mixture to edges of pie.

2. RESERVE 2 tablespoons of hot fudge topping in the corner of a resealable food storage bag; set aside.  Microwave remaining topping on HIGH (100% power) for 1 minute. Stir. Spread topping over pie, covering entire peanut butter layer.  Refrigerate until set.  Spread remaining whipped topping (1 1/2 cups) over hot fudge layer, being careful not to mix the two layers.

3. CUT a small corner from bag containing topping. Squeeze bag to drizzle topping over pie. Place remaining 2 tablespoons peanut butter in a resealable food storage bag; cut bag corner and squeeze to drizzle in opposite direction from topping.  Refrigerate until ready to serve.

DSC03799 DSC03808

To me, the 3rd direction is OPTIONAL I’ve made this pie 3 times now and have never done the 3rd step!  It makes it look pretty if you’re taking the pie somewhere or giving it to someone, but if you’re like me, you don’t care and just want to eat it!! ;)

**What’s your favorite dessert?

**Check out the Question of the Day HERE!!

**Don’t forget to enter my giveaway for My Memories Scrapbooking Software HERE.  (only 1 person has entered and it ends on Monday!)


Want to Participate in Friday Food by linking up a recipe you have on your blog or a recipe somewhere online? Click the ‘add your link’ button and link away! ;)

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Weekly Roundup: August 20 – 26

Whoops!! Yes, I realize it’s Thursday and therefore almost time for another Weekly Roundup lol… BUT I’m no longer on my 12 day break! lol… I have started school back up full time and also an internship so I’m busy once again… So here’s last week’s roundup:

Monday: 3.1mi in 33:07
Tuesday: 30 Day Fast Start (Arm workout); Lean Legs Workout x2
Wednesday: Rest
Thursday: 3.1mi in 32:06 (.5mi of progressive speed and 2x .15mi of an 8.0 incline hill)
Friday: Rest
Saturday: Rest
Sunday: Rest

**Stretched and used the stick each time I ran

Total for Week = 6.2 miles
Total for Month = 17.55 miles
Total for Year = 157.3 miles

*** @=outside run (refers to pace) in=treadmill run (refers to minutes)

January 12.6 miles                                                       2011 329.45 miles
February 13.02 miles
March 42.19 miles
April 25.69 miles
May 19.41 miles
June 12.15 miles
July 11.68 miles
August 17.55 miles

Last Week’s Roundup


I’m having a giveaway for My Memories scrapbooking software!  You don’t want to miss out!  I’ve completely redone most of my blog using My Memories!!  So far there are not any entrants so you have a REALLY good chance of Winning!! :)  CHECK IT OUT HERE before it’s too late!

Blog Posts From The Week

NUUN Winner!
My Memories Suite Review and Giveaway

Registered Races

9/1/12 – Sweet Corn Festival 5k
– Columbus Marathon Half Marathon

Monday, August 27, 2012

My Memories Suite Review and Giveaway


If you’ve been to my blog in the past couple of days you may have noticed a couple changes…A couple weeks ago, I was contacted by Liz from My Memories Suite asking me if I would like to host a review/giveaway on my blog.  Of course I remember about a year ago reading some reviews of the product and I was eager to give it a try!! 

My Memories Suite is a digital scrapbooking software that makes it easy to create scrapbook pages, calendars, recipes, ornaments, picture collages, cupcake liners, and so much more! The number of things you can create with My Memories is unlimited as they have 1000+ embellishments, templates, and background papers…

I LOVE My Memories Suite!! First of all, it comes with background papers and embellishments included in the software so there is no need to purchase separate kits/designer packs unless you absolutely want to!  You can still create awesomely cute things!!  Secondly, It’s so easy to use!!  Even if you are creatively inept, you can use this digital scrapbooking software because it takes you through each step and is so easy to reposition or resize embellishments!  AND you don’t have to make a mess or end up with sticky fingers from cutting and pasting things manually!  This software is MESS FREE!!
Here’s a screenshot of the software:


AND GUESS WHAT MY RUNNING FRIENDS?!?!  They have a Marathon Runner Scrapbooking kit for only $3.99!!  I purchased it and now I can create awesome memories with my race photos/bibs!! 


So what did I make with this awesome software?  A NEW BLOG HEADER!!! What do you think? :)

Here’s the old one:                                             Here’s the new one:

headernoblackcentered3 BlogBannerMMusethis

I also made my cute new Page Tabs:


AND I also created a watermark for my pictures! :)


Here’s the best part!! My Memories Suite wants to give one of my readers the chance to win their amazing software!!  This giveaway will end Monday, September 3rd at midnight and a winner will be chosen by random number generator and announced on my blog within that week.

BUT if you absolutely cannot wait another week to purchase and use this awesome software, My Memories Suite is giving my followers $10 dollars off!  That means that you can purchase it for $29.97!! That’s a really good deal!  PLUS they’ll also give you a $10 credit to purchase add-ons after you buy the software!! (Think marathon runner add-on people!!) Just click on the image below and use my coupon code!! :)


USE THIS CODE (just copy and paste!):  



Here’s How to Enter (Leave a separate comment for each):


~ You Must be or become a follower of my blog… if you aren’t already, just click the follow button of Google Friend in my sidebar… easy peasy! :)

~ Go to and have a look around then come back and tell me what your favorite product is… it can be a digital paper pack, add-ons, template… anything!


~ Like My Memories on Facebook HERE

~ Like Runner’s Luck on Facebook HERE

~ Follow My Memories on Twitter HERE

~ Follow Runner’s Luck on Twitter HERE

~ Tweet, Facebook, or Share this giveaway on your blog and leave a comment for each (you can get credit for each share once a day just make sure to comment each day you share the giveaway!)

Sample Tweet (can copy and paste into twitter):
Check out the @mymemoriessuite #scrapbookingsoftware #giveaway @superwoman4002 is having on her blog!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

NUUN Winner!

Random Number Generator decided that comment #37 was the winner…


Congratulations Yo Momma Runs!! You just won
a tube of Lemon-Lime NUUN! ;)

Email me your address and I’ll get it in the mail this week!! 

Stay tuned for another awesome giveaway this week!! :)

**Winner has 72 hours to contact me as stated in the giveaway post HERE. If the winner does not contact me within the allotted time, they will forfeit their win and another winner will be chosen.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Weekly Roundup: August 13 – 19

Monday:  2.02mi in 21:22
Tuesday:  Rest
Wednesday: 2.05mi (forgot to get the time… treadmill run)
Thursday: Rest
Friday:  Rest
Saturday:  4.03mi in 44:18
Sunday:  Rest
**Stretched and used the stick each time I ran

Total for Week = 8.1 miles            
Total for Month =  11.35 miles          
Total for Year =  151.1 miles            

*** @=outside run (refers to pacein=treadmill run (refers to minutes)

January  12.6 miles                                                       2011  329.45 miles
February   13.02 miles
March   42.19 miles
April   25.69 miles
May  19.41 miles
June  12.15 miles
July  11.68 miles
August  11.35 miles


Don’t forget to enter my NUUN giveaway HERE!!  Ends this Friday, August 24th!!!  Low entries as of right now so you have good chances of winning some NUUN!! :)

Blog Posts From The Week

Three Things Thursday
Summer Break and NUUN Giveaway!

Registered Races
10/21/12 – Columbus Marathon Half Marathon

Friday, August 17, 2012

Summer Break and Nuun Giveaway

I am so elated to be able to say that I am finally on summer break!!!  After a grueling condensed 8-week summer quarter (because we are switching to semesters) I finally have 12 days where I am absolutely FREE to do whatever I want!  NO school, NO homework, NO work!  So what am I going to do with my 12 days of freedom before Autumn Semester starts?
Besides pull a Skinny Runner? ;)

Never fear… I’ve already made a To-Do list! :)  It includes things like:
     ~Read the last 2 books in the Harry Potter series
     ~Go shopping
     ~Finish the afghan that I’ve been working on for 2 years now
     ~Play Farm Town

Don’t worry it has some serious stuff on there too… I am a mature adult you know ;)
     ~Figure out what’s going on with my Garmin
     ~Go through emails

Ok, Ok… fine… I’ll also make doctors appointments, pay tuition, clean, do the laundry, and take care of insurance, but those aren’t my ideal way of spending my 12 days of pure bliss ;) lol

AND just because I’m so excited I’m finally on my summer break, as short as it may be, I want to give away a tube of Lemon-Lime NUUN!!  I’ve grown fond of this stuff!  I always feel like I’m a late bloomer when it comes to awesome workout/fitness stuff so of course everyone has already been downing this stuff by the gallon before I even tried it, but that’s ok!  If you haven’t tried it either, now’s your chance!  OR if you’ve been taking baths in NUUN, here’s one more tube that could be yours and help feed your addiction ;)

This giveaway will run August 17 through August 24th.  Winner will be randomly
selected and posted BY August 27th. If the winner does not contact me within 72 hours, a new winner will be selected.

Here’s how to enter (leave separate comments for each entry):

- Be/Become a follower of my blog
- Follow me on Twitter HERE
- Like me on Facebook HERE

- Tell me why you want to try NUUN OR why you are already obsessed with it OR what your favorite flavor is
- Email me a picture of you enjoying summer… doing anything… could be funny/silly, serious, nature, family related or creative… nothing inappropriate though thank you!  Fair warning, these might find their way on to my blog ;)  My email address is

- Share this giveaway on your blog, twitter, facebook, or whatever else you might have.  You can get up to one entry per social media site per day until the giveaway ends. You MUST include the giveaway URL

Sample Tweet:  Check out the sweet summer #giveaway of @NUUNhydration that @superwoman4002 is having on her blog! #runchat

Sample Facebook Message:  Check out the sweet summer giveaway of Nuun that Runner’s Luck is having on her blog!


*I am doing this giveaway of my own accord and was not paid in any way

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Three Things Thursday

1.  As you all know, I’m in school to be a sign language interpreter… Today was our last day of classes for the quarter (we still have finals next week) and some how we started discussing insurance.  I learned that you can insure your hands?!   Totally legit and I will be doing that as soon as I graduate!! ;)

2.  I’ve been watching as much of the Olympics as I possibly can, and yes I've been staying up til midnight! lol… whoops! ;)  I’m really enjoying the Track & Field events…  and I LOVED watching Oscar Pistorius … he is such an inspiration!  Have you been watching the Olympics?  If so, what is your favorite event/athlete?


3. Extreme couponing anyone?  I got $57 worth of stuff for $7 at Bath and Body Works and Victoria Secret!!  I’ll let you all in on my extreme couponing secrets… sign up for mailings and sometimes you’ll get awesome coupons… VS has free underwear coupons a lot of times… and then bug your parents/parents-in-law to give you their coupons too!! ;) I know, I know… I’m a genius!! ;)
I had 4 VS coupons (2- $10 off and 2-free underwear) and 2 BBW coupons (2- free travel size product) What I got:
                                 ~2 pairs of underwear ($8.50 each)
                                 ~2 travel size bottles of lotion ($5 each)
                                 ~2 Victoria Secret lip glosses ($9 each)
                                 ~1 Bottle of Love Spell Body Spray ($12)

DSC03788*Underwear not pictured! lol 

Do you have any experience with extreme couponing? 
Obviously I’m not a pro… I just got lucky! ;)
What’s the best deal you’ve ever gotten?

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Wednesday Again…

At least I am keeping up with (almost) Wordless Wednesday posts once a week ;)

I had seen this picture earlier this week and thought I’d post it because it’s a great motivator and motivation is what I’ve been lacking lately…


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