Hey guys!! I’m still around… just super busy! *Story of my Life!* ha!
I PROMISE a post tomorrow!! *pinky promise*
Just wanted to remind you to enter my NUUN giveaway before it’s too late!!
Click the image below to enter!!
Hey guys!! I’m still around… just super busy! *Story of my Life!* ha!
I PROMISE a post tomorrow!! *pinky promise*
Just wanted to remind you to enter my NUUN giveaway before it’s too late!!
Click the image below to enter!!
So… If you aren’t living under a rock, you probably already know that my fave runner Miss Kara has joined up with my fave hydration drink company, NUUN! Two of my favorites teaming up together?!! What could be more perfect??
Here’s a little snippet from the press release:
“Staying hydrated during a hard workout or race is important. But just as important is showing up hydrated and properly recovering afterwards,” said Goucher. “That’s why I love Nuun; for its versatile use before, during, and after activity. Better yet, I can then turn around and serve it safely to my child instead of some sugary soda or juice drink. I am ecstatic about this partnership and the opportunity to evangelize the brand.”
In a unique move, the partnership will go beyond the traditional elite athlete partnership model. Goucher will also be a Nuun stakeholder and collaborator on product development. After Boston, Goucher plans to come back into running and racing with summer road races and track meets along with a fall marathon while gearing up to make the US Olympic team in 2016.
I received the latest copy of Runner’s World last week and was super excited to see this (Kara’s take on Nuun… It’s like we’re best friends!):
Who’s your fave runner?
I asked you what would be more perfect earlier… well, how about a Nuun Giveaway?!
Nuun has graciously offered to giveaway 2 tubes of Nuun Energy to one of my readers!! If you haven’t heard (and are still living under that rock), Nuun has come out with an energy tab that has about the same amount of caffeine as a half a cup of coffee! If you’re like me and don’t like coffee… look no further for that energy boost!! I absolutely LOVE Nuun energy!! After a long day of work, I would head to the gym while sipping on a bottle of Nuun Energy and by the time I got there, I was ready to workout!
If you want to learn more about Nuun’s newest creation, I did a full review on Nuun Energy back in March!
Here is Nuun’s website too so you can learn more AND shop at the same time! ;) and now on to the giveaway…
It’s easy to enter the Nuun Energy Giveaway! All you have to do is follow the prompts on the Rafflecopter form below!! Good luck!!
This giveaway will end 6/18 at 11:59pm and winner will be announced later that week!
**The tubes of Nuun are being provided by the good people of Nuun themselves… I was not compensated in any other way for this post and all opinions are my own!
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My life gets crazy sometimes… trying to work two jobs AND workout AND still take care of the house AND trying to fix at least one good meal during the week can get kinda crazy. Which is why sometimes my recovery after my workouts is usually … NOTHING… then when I get home and finally get a shower, all I can think about is getting ready for another crazy long day and hitting the sack…
Which is why when Vega teamed up with Fit Approach and offered some Sweat Pink Ambassadors a chance to do a product review, I jumped at the chance and applied immediately!
I am super excited to officially be a Vega Blogger!! :)
Vega has launched a campaign called #FuelYourBetter and it focuses on helping you find out what holds you back and how to overcome that obstacle by helping you fuel better! Go click on what’s holding you back and check out their tips, advice, and products to help you overcome and get the best workout and best results! Vega also helps you create you’re very own personal Performance nutrition Plan!!
It was no secret to me what my setback was… RECOVERY… so I chose to review the Vega Sport Protein Bar! When it arrived at my door I was super excited, but I was also super bummed because it happened to be on one of my 14 hour long days and I only had 15 minutes to change between jobs and get out the door!!
My usual go-to recovery is a green smoothie, but lets be honest… that gets old real fast trying to make it before hand and think of a way to keep it cold throughout the day and not let it leak all over your gym bag! Gross!! That’s why I LOVE the Vega Sport Protein Bar because they are super easy to just throw in your gym bag, eat on the go, and completely mess free!! Not to mention totally vegan AND delicious!! (I was sent the Chocolate Mint flavor but I’m sure the Chocolate Peanut Butter and Chocolate Coconut are amazing too!! How could they not be?? They’re chocolate!!)
Check out what their website has to say about these bad boys:
Give your muscles the protein they crave. Recharge and repair with Vega Sport Protein Bar post-workout, so you can do it all again, sooner.
- 15 g complete, multisource, plant-based protein
- 2.5 g BCAAs
- 2 g glutamine
- 1 g Omega-3
Formulated by Brendan Brazier, vegan professional Ironman triathlete and bestselling health author on plant-based nutrition, Vega Sport Protein Bar is part of the three stage Vega Sport Nutrition System.
Non-GMO, gluten-free and made without artificial flavors, colors or sweeteners, enjoy Vega Sport Protein Bars in Chocolate Coconut, Chocolate Peanut Butter, and Chocolate Mint flavors.
They really are not like other protein bars I’ve had in the past… Even with 15g of protein in each bar, they still don’t taste chalky! The texture is easy to handle and it really kind of tastes more like a candy bar! Even my husband snuck some off in his gym bag and he’s picky about what he eats!!
Since I can conveniently take a Vega Sport Protein Bar with me to eat after my workout, I’ve noticed that I am less sore the next day and feel more refreshed and ready to go! It’s so easy to just eat it walking out of the gym or in my car on the way home!! Isn’t it funny what proper recovery can do?! I’m so glad I found Vega’s Protein Bars!! Vega Sport also has other products that make it easy and fun to #FuelYourBetter!!! Go check them out!!
Disclaimer: As stated above, I did receive a free box of bars to review on my blog from Vega through my ambassadorship with Sweat Pink and Fit Approach. However… like always, my opinion was not swayed in any way and this post contains 100% my opinion!!
How do you recover after hard workouts?
Have you ever tried a Vega Product?
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Guess what guys?! I’m back!! I promise you I have a post coming on why I’ve been MIA … besides the usual working multiple jobs/60 hours excuse… ;)
BUT… that means I’ve got LOTS of exciting things to tell you all about!! First up is Frigo® Cheese Heads® Light String Cheese! You all know I already LOVE their cheese sticks so when Saputo Cheese USA Inc. emailed me about working together on a review I was all like:
They sent me come coupons to try out their product and for agreeing to work with them, they sent me a blender bottle and GoStak! How handy!!
Before I really did any research for this review, I would eat just the cheese stick by itself… pulling it apart of course because who in their right mind would just straight up bite into STRING CHEESE?!
After a little time on their website, I found that Frigo® Cheese Heads® Light String Cheese could be used in many different ways!!
For example, I tried apples and cheese together for the first time ever… please tell me you’ve tried this?! It’s super delicious!!
I also cut a few up and put it in my spaghetti with some pepperoni for “pizza” spaghetti
AND made a couple ham, spinach, and cheese tortilla rollups!! For more fun recipe ideas you can go to their website HERE!
So what makes Frigo® Cheese Heads® Light String Cheese a great snack? Great question!!
(as if you needed any more excuses to eat cheese, right?!) ;)
Here are 4 HEALTHY reasons to eat cheese!**
1. 7 grams of protein in 1 cheese stick!
2. Only 50 calories! (Go ahead, eat 2!)
3. Just 2.5 grams of fat in each one!
4. Each stick has a high volume of calcium!
BONUS: Frigo® Cheese Heads® String Cheese comes individually wrapped so it makes a great “take anywhere” snack!
(I take mine to work, to the gym, to the park, in my car… there’s no limit!)
** These stats are only meant to be true about Frigo® Cheese Heads® Light String Cheese and may not be true about all cheese!
So go ahead… eat 2! This is a judgement free zone! ;) And just in case the only thing holding you back from eating these tasty treats is the fact you don’t like mozzarella… Frigo® Cheese Heads® String Cheese comes in many other flavors!
Disclaimer: Saputo Cheese USA Inc. provided me with 2 coupons to test their product and a blender bottle and GoStak for working with them as compensation, however I was not paid for my opinion! I ate Frigo String Cheese long before they contacted me and will continue to do so! :)
Sorry I haven’t been around much lately… I’ve been working 55-60 hour weeks and trying to work out 3 days a week still… (If you miss me and don’t want to miss out on anything, I find Instagram easy to keep up even during my busiest of weeks so you can follow me there!)
That’s all about to change because I have some days I have to take off work because we get paid for over time by time off instead of money… Although I think I’d rather have the money… wouldn’t you?! ;)
Anyways… I have some super exciting news!!! Are you ready for it??
Remember that one time I had a dream?? Well… I’m closer to reaching that dream today because I am now partially sponsored to go the the IDEA World Fitness Blogfest by …
I am so honored that a company I truly love and have worked with in the past has decided to support me in my fitness endeavors! Thank you so much Tommie Copper!! They have some awesome stuff in the works and I’m really excited to share it with you, so be on the look out for another Tommie Copper post this week!!
I have now raised about 25% of my goal and am still looking for a few more sponsors for my trip across the country this summer! If you are interested in becoming a sponsor, or know someone who might be interested, please email me at runners.luck@hotmail.com
March/April Sponsors
Here are some awesome blogs that have helped sponsor Runner’s Luck in the months of March and April by trading blog buttons with me!
Thanks for helping to spread the word about my blog guys!! If you’re interested in swapping buttons for May/June please send me an email at runners.luck@hotmail.com
Go check out these awesome people!!
Oh my goodness!! Where does the time go?! I feel like I haven’t seen you guys in forever!!! What have you been up to?!
I’ve been doing the same old thing… working and trying to workout a few nights a week! I’m pretty tired today, so I’m kind of just lounging around… not really doing any cleaning or laundry today… I’ll save that for tomorrow! ;) I did go get my haircut this morning and then met my mom at the grocery store to catch-up and she invited me over to have lunch with her and my dad. We had fish, rice, baked beans, and asparagus… it was delicious!! I also had a donut.. a long john to be exact… it was absolutely amazing and I don’t regret anything!! ;) haha! What did you have to eat today?
I few exciting things have happened since we’ve last hung out… (and I know I still haven’t told you all about my road trip during spring break… it’s coming! I promise!)
I’ve been getting outside more and more for my workouts… including a little park bench yoga! ;)
I reached (and exceeded) 500 followers on Instagram!! I feel like a popular kid…You guys rock!
Won a fun giveaway! Now I just need to decide what I want from Athleta.. any recommendations?
Hit a yoga move I’ve never been able to do before!! (Proof that success does indeed come from failure! Story is on this video in IG)
Finally got a new laptop battery and charger and I don’t have to run from outlet to outlet like a Tasmanian Devil anymore! For real!
Came across a few sales you guys might enjoy! :)
Hope you all have a lovely weekend!!!
A few weeks ago I was contacted by Spartan Race Media to see if I would like to read a synopsis of Joe De Sena’s new book coming out, “Spartan Up!” I’ve never run an obstacle course race before.. Let alone a Spartan Race, BUT, um… read?! I LOVE reading!! Of course I said yes!! I received a 20 page synopsis of what to expect in “Spartan Up!” which is being released in 1 month on May 13th!
Ok, first things first… If you don’t know who Joe De Sena is, shame on you!! Just kidding… kind of ;) Joe is the founder and driving force behind Spartan Race! More about him from their website:
“An entrepreneur from 8 years old Joe has had a passion for life that moves the ball forward against all odds. Born in Queens NY to a yoga teaching, meditation practicing mother and an Italian father that was an uber-entrepreneur the author learned simple techniques for forging ahead no matter the odds.”
As I started reading the synopsis of “Spartan Up!”, I was immediately drawn in by his style of writing and the stories he told! One thing Joe said in the synopsis that really stood out to me was “To reach full potential, you need to UNLEARN every important thing modern society has taught you” and that “success is a byproduct of delayed gratification” After reading that, I instantly knew that this was going to be a book that EVERYONE could benefit from, not only those who call themselves Spartans! How true is it though? Cheat days… product of wanting instant gratification! Injuries… also a product of instant gratification (training to much/too hard, too fast because we want to see immediate results).
“Spartan Up!” will test your comfort zone and make you think about things differently!! From their website:
Spartan Up! is more than an insider’s view of the world of obstacle racing
It’s a manual for the Spartan way of life, including:
- Finding the will to succeed: The first half of a race you run with your legs; the second half you run with your mind. Turn your pain into an outboard motor to drive you forward.
- Tossing your cookies: The Cookie Test can teach you how to overcome the need for immediate gratification and help you prosper in the long term.
- Getting Spartan fit: Survival of the Fittest means training outside the gym for strength, endurance and flexibility for your entire body—and don’t forget those burpees!
- Moving mountains: Whether metaphorical mountains or the ones on which Spartans race, what you think of as your limitations can actually be a mere starting point for transformation.
Here’s a little audio snippet of the book to hold you over til you receive your copy! ;)
And an amazing video you HAVE to watch!! If you don’t want to preorder your very own copy after watching this there’s something wrong with you! ;)
Spartan Up – DNA Promo from SpartanRace on Vimeo.
Now the people over at Spartan Race Media have a special offer for you!! If you preorder the book before May 13th, you can get 20% off if you use the coupon code: SPARTANUP
Otherwise, You can get 15% off of a 2014 Spartan event if you preorder now!! Just click the preorder image below!
* I was promised a first edition of the book when it releases May 13th in exchange for this preview. As always all opinions are my own and I was not paid for a positive review! 100% honesty is my policy and I only share things I think you guys would like as well!! :)
** If you are a company looking for a blogger to host a review/giveaway or to sponsor, please email me at runners.luck@hotmail.com
Well, last week I told you all I was on Spring Break!! :)
Somehow It’s already half way over!! I can’t believe it!! Partly because Monday, instead of sitting at home watching Lost on Netflix… I decided to go on a roadtrip with my mom!! (and I’ve still been working my second job) I’ll write more about that tomorrow, but here are a few pics to hold you over! ;)
And congrats to the winners of my two giveaways!!!
The Nuun Giveaway Winner is… Becky G.
The Spring Running Essentials Giveaway Winner is…. Katie H.
Email me your info at runners.luck@hotmail.com and if I haven’t heard from you by tomorrow (when I don’t have to work my second job) I’ll email you for your info!! :)
{1} “For the first time in forever….” I got to see Frozen! We showed it to the preschoolers on Thursday and let me just say … it was AMAZING!! There are just so many things I love about that movie!! I loved it!! And now you’re singing that song in your head aren’t you?! You’re welcome!! ;)
{2} Cheese sticks!!! I’ll spare you a picture of me eating these things, but I can’t get enough of them!! They are so good!! I wait until they go on sale and I have a paper coupon and get them for super cheap!! yeah… remember that post I told you for the bazillionth time that I’m a cheapskate frugal? ;)
{3} My workout from Monday was another fun one! AND my favorite one from the week… seeing as I only got to work out once during the actual week! Hopefully I’ll be able to get in another 1 or 2 workouts this weekend! *My fingers are crossed!*
{4} My favorite Backfire of the week…When SELF put down tutu wearers, the running community came together in support and now wearing tutus is even more popular… take that SELF!! However, I did learn today that the magazine did apologize. I personally don’t have a tutu, but if I ever dressed up for a race I would definitely be a cute superhero tutu wearin’ runner!! Every one races for different reasons and wears different things, we are ALL out there running none-the-less!! No one has the right to judge someone who is making a healthy lifestyle choice like running a race!! What do you think about this whole situation? Do you think the apology fixes everything?
{5} Starting yesterday at 4pm I am officially on Spring Break!!! Bring it on!!! :) In the next 9 days I will only be working a total of 16-22 hours! I’m super pumped!! :) I have some fun things planned too! My mom and I are going to have a girls day out and although I don’t know what we are going to do yet, I know it will be a blast! I can’t wait to hang out with her! She happens to be my best friend and I miss her now that we don’t live with my family anymore!
{BONUS} Don’t forget to enter my two giveaways! They end Monday 3/31!!
And don’t forget to visit the giveaway linkup to see other great giveaways going on in Blogland (or linkup your own giveaway!)
What are your Friday Faves from the week?
What do you have planned for this weekend?
Do you wear tutus?
What food are you obsessed with lately?