A few weeks ago I was contacted by Spartan Race Media to see if I would like to read a synopsis of Joe De Sena’s new book coming out, “Spartan Up!” I’ve never run an obstacle course race before.. Let alone a Spartan Race, BUT, um… read?! I LOVE reading!! Of course I said yes!! I received a 20 page synopsis of what to expect in “Spartan Up!” which is being released in 1 month on May 13th!
Ok, first things first… If you don’t know who Joe De Sena is, shame on you!! Just kidding… kind of ;) Joe is the founder and driving force behind Spartan Race! More about him from their website:
“An entrepreneur from 8 years old Joe has had a passion for life that moves the ball forward against all odds. Born in Queens NY to a yoga teaching, meditation practicing mother and an Italian father that was an uber-entrepreneur the author learned simple techniques for forging ahead no matter the odds.”
As I started reading the synopsis of “Spartan Up!”, I was immediately drawn in by his style of writing and the stories he told! One thing Joe said in the synopsis that really stood out to me was “To reach full potential, you need to UNLEARN every important thing modern society has taught you” and that “success is a byproduct of delayed gratification” After reading that, I instantly knew that this was going to be a book that EVERYONE could benefit from, not only those who call themselves Spartans! How true is it though? Cheat days… product of wanting instant gratification! Injuries… also a product of instant gratification (training to much/too hard, too fast because we want to see immediate results).
“Spartan Up!” will test your comfort zone and make you think about things differently!! From their website:
Spartan Up! is more than an insider’s view of the world of obstacle racing
It’s a manual for the Spartan way of life, including:
- Finding the will to succeed: The first half of a race you run with your legs; the second half you run with your mind. Turn your pain into an outboard motor to drive you forward.
- Tossing your cookies: The Cookie Test can teach you how to overcome the need for immediate gratification and help you prosper in the long term.
- Getting Spartan fit: Survival of the Fittest means training outside the gym for strength, endurance and flexibility for your entire body—and don’t forget those burpees!
- Moving mountains: Whether metaphorical mountains or the ones on which Spartans race, what you think of as your limitations can actually be a mere starting point for transformation.
Here’s a little audio snippet of the book to hold you over til you receive your copy! ;)
And an amazing video you HAVE to watch!! If you don’t want to preorder your very own copy after watching this there’s something wrong with you! ;)
Spartan Up – DNA Promo from SpartanRace on Vimeo.
Now the people over at Spartan Race Media have a special offer for you!! If you preorder the book before May 13th, you can get 20% off if you use the coupon code: SPARTANUP
Otherwise, You can get 15% off of a 2014 Spartan event if you preorder now!! Just click the preorder image below!

* I was promised a first edition of the book when it releases May 13th in exchange for this preview. As always all opinions are my own and I was not paid for a positive review! 100% honesty is my policy and I only share things I think you guys would like as well!! :)
** If you are a company looking for a blogger to host a review/giveaway or to sponsor, please email me at runners.luck@hotmail.com