Tuesday, March 29, 2011

It Is Well With My Soul…

I’ve been really stressed out and moody lately, I’m not going to get into specifics… Just a lot going on!  It’s not like my life sucks, cuz it doesn’t… it’s all good things!  Wedding, Work (making money), going back to school, did i mention wedding stuff? (and all the fun little arguments that come with not pleasing everyone with your choices) lol… yeah, i seriously have a lot on my plate right now and it’s not doing me any good!

I stepped on the scale over the weekend… I’ve lost almost 10 pounds!  This isn’t good… I can’t really lose weight because I’m already almost too skinny… it starts messing with how things work…

**shield your eyes men, if you get grossed out** 

I’m gonna get kinda personal… sorry…


My period was 7 days late this month… Not to mention that I’ve been miserable and cramping the past 3 weeks… stress and weight loss are not good on this body!  I went a whole summer without one when i was in high school and vowed I would never be that underweight again because I didn’t want to risk any health issues… and thank goodness I am not as skinny as i was back then… but I'm still not in the healthy range right now… so you guys need to hold me accountable.. i need to start eating better and gain the weight back! 

Stress also wears you out emotionally… I know you all have experienced this at least at some point in your life…

Last night, after Josh helped me out with some wedding stuff, I lost it… I had been getting frustrated and just started crying… for no good reason.  It’s a good thing he understands me so well… he didn’t tell me to stop acting like a baby, didn’t ask me what was wrong… just gave me a hug and said “I know you have a lot going on right now… It’s all going to work out!  You’re strong Zaneta!  You’ll get through this!” 

And he’s right…

Sunday before church I couldn’t stop worrying about things and thinking about everything and all of a sudden a song popped into my head…

When peace, like a river, attendeth my way,
when sorrows like sea billows roll;
whatever my lot, thou hast taught me to say,
It is well, it is well with my soul.

It is well with my soul,
it is well, it is well with my soul.

Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come,
let this blest assurance control,
that Christ has regarded my helpless estate,
and hath shed his own blood for my soul.

I instantly stopped and thanked God that he was reminding me that he was in control and everything is going to be ok…  I serve an awesome God who cares about me!  It’s hard sometimes to completely trust God with things… but He really is in control!  That’s something I’ve been working on lately… just trusting Him and letting Him handle things the way He wants to handle them, not the way Zaneta wants to handle them…

I truly am so blessed!  I love my life and the people in my life!  It’s time to stop stressing out and start enjoying my life!  It’s supposed to be fun, not stressful!  Planning a wedding to the most wonderful guy, going back to school to get the career that I feel God has been planning for me to have and that I actually enjoy doing,  and in the mean time, having a job that doesn’t mind working around my school schedule, and not to mention I have an awesome family and parents who are letting us live with them after we get married… I just needed that little reminder…It is well with my soul!!

Friday, March 25, 2011

3 Months To Go!!

Thanks for all the wonderful comments you all left me on my cake post!!  It made my day!  I already have plans to bake an Easter cake… we’ll see tho ;)

Well, today marks the 3 month countdown… or if you prefer, 13 weeks…. OR 92 days ;) lol

Yesterday was 4 years since the fiancé asked me to be his girlfriend ;)  just thought I’d throw that in there lol… He’s something special that man of mine… something special indeed!  I don't want to get all sappy right now… I’ll save that till closer to the wedding ;)

This week I have worked on and almost completed our wedding website, made an attempt at making a registry since we won’t have our own house for a couple years (therefore, won’t be able to register for much), stayed up past my bed time making direction cards to send out with my invitations, and did my taxes and FAFSA today…. yes, I know that really doesn’t have anything to do with wedding stuff, but I'm pretty excited I got them done before April this year lol ;)  AND… this is the last time I get to file under “single”  pretty exciting eh? ;) haha!  ok, if you’re reading this post you’re probably 1) nodding your head or 2) rolling your eyes at me ;) lol… its ok, I don't need to know which ;)

****Insert random bit of info about Zaneta here****

Ever notice how i have a lot of winky faces throughout my blog posts?  Yes, I
know I do this a lot, but it’s probably because I can’t really wink in real life,
so I do it as much as possible in blog life ;) <—see? perfect wink ;) lol


About the direction cards:  If you missed the post where I admitted I was a tightwad…. here it is again… I’m a tightwad!!  I don’t really like spending money… especially more than I have to.  I splurged on my invitations just because I liked them lol and then I saved a bunch of money by making postcards on vista print for my reply cards, and now I saved more money by making my own direction cards!  I was looking on a wedding invitation website to see about how much they cost and they wanted $1/card!  I needed 100 so I saved about $100!!

DSC01573b crossed out personal info… you can never be too safe on the internet ;)

I already had some card stock so I decided to print 4 to a page… I made them up in Microsoft Word… I put the directions on the front and a map on the back (had to print front and back manually, meaning i had to take it and turn it around and put it back in the printer) and then I cut them all out with scissors because I don't have a fancy paper cutting machine ;)  I ended up with 106 somehow lol… i few mistakes that didn’t make the final cut probably… it took me a couple hours, but it was worth it to save money!  I saved the perfected document so I could reprint some if I needed to.  If anyone needs help doing anything like this for their wedding or a party or something, just ask me and I’ll be happy to help! :)


92 Days Left!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: Cake Edition

Ok… first things first, thank you guys for your thoughts and prayers for my dad!  They ended up doing some tests where he works and I guess there had been a carbon monoxide leak, so I’m guessing that's what made him sick! (But, I’m not a doctor and of course the ER doesn’t diagnose anything)  He’s doing much better now, so thank you!!

Also, you guys guessed right! lol… my “new hobby” is baking and decorating cakes!  I put it in quotations because I really don't know how often I’ll bake cakes or if I’ll keep up with it, but Sunday night it sure was fun! lol… I made the yellow cake and buttercream icing both from scratch and decorated it myself.. I just made a stop to Joann Fabric’s with about a million coupons and picked out things I thought I would need, looked at a book, and said “I’m gonna try this” lol… now for the pictures since it’s supposed to be “wordless” Wednesday ;)  (you can click to make them bigger if you’d like)

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My mom took that candid of me making the cake because “it’s not everyday
you’re in the kitchen, Zaneta!” lol… yeah… I'm not very domesticated…
Sorry Josh! lol… maybe marriage will change things? ;)





^ That picture is of me practicing some icing decorations for the first time while my cake chilled for a couple hours :)

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Monday we tasted my creation… everyone thought it was delicious! :)  I really thought the yellow cake was yummy but didn’t care for the recipe I used for the icing, it was too buttery… I’ll have to use another buttercream recipe next time!


What are your hobbies?


94 Days Until I Marry My Best Friend!!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Hospitals and Engagement Rings (lame post title)

Well, last night was eventful to say the least…  My dad had to be taken by squad to the hospital, I’ll spare you the details.  By the time I was able to bring him home I had been at the hospital for 12ish hours overnight… no sleep whatsoever.  He’s doing a lot better now and is mainly just worn out.  Please keep him in your prayers!

My Weekly Roundup yesterday had a couple comments about what I had hurt and how.  I hurt my back last Sunday… I have no idea what I did, it just hurt so bad I could hardly move!  It’s finally doing a lot better and if it weren’t for the exciting day yesterday evening and getting no sleep last night, I would be outside running today or doing p90x, but i think I need to go to bed…

~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~

Before I pull the blinds and finally get some shut eye… I wanted to share one of the pictures that I begged for asked my followers to email me!  If you missed that post, CLICK HERE.  I’m only a tad excited to be getting married in June lol ;)  

Hannah from HannahViolin just recently got engaged in February!

CLICK HERE for her engagement story! This is her gorgeous ring!!


If you guys want to send me wedding pictures/engagement pictures/cake pictures/ring pictures you can still do that… just send them to runners.luck@hotmail.com and I’ll post them on my blog :)

~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~

95 Days Left Until I Marry My Love!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Weekly Roundup: March 14 – 20


Monday:  hurt/rest
Tuesday:  hurt/rest
Wednesday:  hurt/rest
Thursday:  hurt/rest
Friday:  hurt/rest
Saturday:  hurt/rest
Sunday:  hurt/rest

Total for Week = 0 of anything :(
Total for Month = 27.87 miles; Pushups/Crunches [53/350]
Total for Year =  27.87 miles**; Pushups/Crunches [63/400]

**Starting in March since I forgot to keep track, but I didn’t run much in Jan and Feb
*** @=outside run  in=treadmill run

New Hobby

I went out on Saturday and bought some stuff for my new hobby! lol… can anyone guess what it is? ;)  I do have to say, I experimented on Sunday and will post about it this week! :)


Blog Posts From The Week

Check It Out!
Tuesday, Tuesday, Tuesday
Important Days For Important People
100 Days To Go!!
Giveaway Reminder
Winner! Winner! Winner!

Registered Races

5/1/11 – “I can’t afford the actual race” Virtual Marathon (April 17 – May 1)
5/7/11 – Capital City Half Marathon
10/16/11 – Columbus Marathon

Days Left Until I Marry My Best Friend:  96

Winner! Winner! Winner!

ok, well I know that I told you I would announce the 3 winners to my 100th Post Giveaway this weekend BUT… This is still part of weekend since I have the day off! ;)

There were 3 prizes, so without further ado, let’s have random number generator pick or winners…

Prize #1:

A Khaki 5k Bondi Band and 3 Chocolate #9 gels



WINNER IS Kadie from There She Runs 


Prize #2:

A black “In my dreams I am a Kenyan” Bondi Band hat and 3 Chocolate #9 gels



WINNER IS  Liz Finch  (I couldn’t find a blog)


Prize #3:

6 Chocolate #9 gels



WINNER IS Pam from Life Began at Thirty


Congrats to the 3 of you!  Thank you for following my journey! :)  Email your addresses to runners.luck@hotmail.com  
If I do not hear from you within 3 days I will have to pick another winner for your prize,
so please contact me!!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Giveaway Reminder

I want to remind you all that it’s the last day to enter my 100th Post Giveaway!  There will be 3 winners and right now your chances are totally awesome!! ;)  CLICK HERE TO ENTER!

Also… keep those wedding pictures, engagement pictures, wedding/engagement ring pictures, or wedding cake pictures coming!!  I need inspiration people!!  Not to mention all the ones I’ve received are just GORGEOUS!! :)  I’ve really enjoyed them!  Send them to runners.luck@hotmail.com

If you missed out, HERE is yesterdays post and HERE is a list of other bloggers getting married! :)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

100 DAYS TO GO!!

I only have 100 days left before I marry the man of my dreams!!!  This is HUGE!!!  I can’t believe it!  It’s crazy how fast time flies!  If you missed yesterday’s post, I listed other bloggers who are also getting married this year (or are engaged)  GO CHECK OUT THE POST!!  If you know of anyone that I don’t have listed please let me know so I can add them! :)

AND… THANK YOU FOR YOUR WEDDING PICS!!  I seriously NEED more people to send me their wedding pics, engagement pics, ring pics…  I got so excited when I opened my email and saw those pictures!  No, really… I don't think you understand how excited I was to get those!  KEEP THEM COMING!!  I’ll post them over the course of the next week or so, depending on how many I get :) Send them to runners.luck@hotmail.com

Today, I worked (bleh… rather be running in this great weather), then I picked up some wedding cake books from the library because I don’t have any clue if I want a round cake or a square one lol!  Come to think of it, you can send me pictures of your wedding cake too! ;)  Then, I dropped off my car at sears to get 4 brand spankin new tires and an oil change because I’m gonna be commuting back and forth 50 minutes both ways to get to school here in oh… 11 days!!  Wow!! I’m so excited to go back to school! :)


After that I picked up 22 round table cloths for my reception because I had a coupon, BUT I got a better coupon at checkout so I’m going to return them and buy them again to save money.  Does anyone else do this or am I seriously the only tightwad in blogland?!  And THEN… I registered for some items at one of our favorite stores… it was kinda hard to keep in mind that we aren’t going to have our own house and space after we’re married… so that made registering a little difficult. (If you want to read more background on our situation, CLICK HERE).   I did register for a nice video camera… only because if it’s left on our registry after the wedding, we get a discount on whatever’s left!

What’s the craziest thing you’ve seen on a registry, or had on your own registry?

Don’t forget to enter my 100th Post giveaway… there will be 3 winners! 
You have til tomorrow night to enter!

Happy St. Patty’s Day Everyone!!


My Countdowns

Go Back To School – 11 Days
Half Marathon – 51 Days
♥ Wedding ♥ – 100 Days
Full Marathon – 213 Days

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Important Days For Important People

Since becoming engaged and setting a date for our wedding, it seems like all I think about is wedding stuff… Also, this may be strange… but I love reading about other people’s weddings and seeing other people’s wedding pictures too!  I LOVE LOVE LOVE reading about other people planning weddings!!  I know you guys do too, right?! ;)  Well guess what?!

There are other bloggers who are planning weddings besides just me!! :)  So cool right?!  Here they are, go visit them and tell them congrats!! :)

Recently Married (3/5) – Amy Lauren from Got a Couple Dents In My Fender...
Engaged – Katie from Keeping Up With Katie
Engaged – Keri from Blue-Eyed Runner
Engaged – Hannah from HannahViolin
May 21, 2011 – Leslie from And Her Little Dog Too
May 27, 2011 – Bethany and Ryan from Our Love on the Run
June 3, 2011 – Wanna Be a Skinnie Minnie
June 18, 2011 – Meg from My Chocolate-Covered Life
June 25, 2011 – ME!! 
September 10, 2011 – Julie from The Hotlegs Runner
September 10, 2011 – J from Morning Runner
October 29, 2011 – Carrie from The Second Quarter
November 11, 2011 – Nicole from Runner Nic
July 2010 – Lindsay from Linds Loves Miles

If you, or a blogger you know (that i dont have listed), is getting married please let me know!!!  Also, i think it would be fun if you all sent me wedding pictures from when you had your special day so i can post them on my blog and share them with others!!  If you’re engaged, but not married yet, you can send me engagement pictures or a picture of your ring… Just send them to runners.luck@hotmail.com … Not to mention it’ll help get me pumped for my wedding in June! ;)  101 days left!! :D

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Tuesday, Tuesday, Tuesday…

I’m home from work… finally!!  Today just seemed to drag on for F.O.R.E.V.E.R!

I hurt my back somehow on Sunday, to the point where I could hardly move, and it still hurts so I’m taking it easy the first half of this week… no working out for me…  I’m ok with that cuz now I get to eat yogurt out of the tub and watch the finale of the Bachelor on Hulu! 


And yes, by now I know who he picked… I was rooting for Emily the whole time so I’m anxious to see all the drama leading up to his decision ;)  I also heard the after the rose episode was kinda weird?… we shall see!  I hope everyone is having a lovely Tuesday!!  Did anybody else watch the bachelor this season?  What’d you think? 

PS – Don’t forget to enter my giveaway!!  :)

PPS – Ok, I’ve watched it ALL now… can I just say… I thought the after the final rose show was so sweet… I still love both of them and think that it would be a tough thing to go from being in a “fairy tale” relationship to the real world one!  I love them together and think they’re perfect together and hope that their wedding is aired on tv so i can watch! :)  So cute!


102 Days Left!!

Check It Out!



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