Wednesday, February 6, 2013

(Nearly) Wordless Wednesday: “I’m your sub today…”


It’s hilarious how many kids actually do a visible fist pump when they walk in I tell them I’m their sub today!  Cracks me up every time! ;)

Substitute-TeacherGoogled “substitute teacher funny”


  1. hahah awww! I remember eeeeveryone gets sooo excited back in school when there was a sub. Felt like a "free" day almost?!

  2. Way back when I was back in school the big thing was to try to make the sub cry. Kids are rotten at heart aren't they?

  3. I just posted about how much I HATE making sub plans. (I'm home sick.) My students have favorite subs for sure.

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  6. Haha, that's awesome! Hope you're doing well!


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