Ok, So Scott at Outside PR sent me some items to review and I feel like a VERY terrible blogger now because that was a few months ago! :( I’m sorry Scott!!! I realized that I am a bad blogger before work this morning but didn’t have time to write a review up before I left, so it was on my mind all day long!! When I finally got home from work, I was so excited because the sun was out and it was 70 degrees that I got ready to run and then told myself I couldn’t run until I did a review. Well the fastest way was by video… so i taped this little shindig and went for an awesome 4 mile run! :D
**Just to warn you, I get a little camera shy when its video so excuse all the fillers like “um” and “uh” and “and” lol… enjoy!
Ryder’s Eyewear
The style I have is the VTX. Another thing that I forgot to mention is that the lenses are interchangeable! They are 100% UV protectable and they are cheaper than Oakley and I think they are just as good, if not better quality! Did I mention that they have never fogged up on me yet? Well… they’re awesome like that!

They make me look good don’t you think? ;)
Road ID
Ok, I seriously got one for both my dad and my brother for Christmas… this is definitely a MUST HAVE for anyone who is active outside, no matter what your sport… cycling, motorcycling, walking, running, skiing, swimming, gardening… GET ONE NOW!! It doesn’t save you if you’re hurt, but it gives you peace of mind that someone will be able to know who you are, who to call, and any special health issues you might have if you can’t tell them yourself!
So… I just now realized that I’m gonna have to change my Road ID come June because it says Josh is my “byfrnd” and in June he will be my “hsbnd” or “hubs” or “hubby”… tehe ;)
I LOVE me some GU!! The Brew is yummy, the Chomps are yummy, the Gel is yummy… and I truly believe that it does help me get thru those long runs/races!! I posted a GU review before on my blog… you can take a look to see some nutrition facts on some of my still favorite flavors :) They now have Brew Electrolyte Tablets!! Go buy a whole bunch!! (and then share with me!) ;)

So there you have it… 3 AWESOME products that you MUST go check out NOW!!! :) And once again Scott, I’m sorry for taking so long to get it up!
What do you all think about these companies/products? Have you tried them out before? What are your thoughts on these products?