Welcome to the par-tay!! Congrats on running a GREAT Race!! In order to linkup, just fill out the form below!! If someone stops by your blog and says they found it through the RRR#linkup please try to stop by their blog and leave a comment as well!! It’s just more of a party that way! :) Also, please feel free to grab the button below and place it on your side bar or in your blog post!!
- The #linkup will be open 6 months (jan-june and july-dec), because if you’re like me, the recap comes later in the week/month and not the day of! ;)
- Your Race Recap will stay up the entire 6 months
- If you post more than one race recap during the 6 month period you are more than welcome to linkup all of them! ONE #LINKUP PER RACE RECAP.. no posting the same link twice… be fair! :)
- Visit the other Recaps that people linkup and leave comments! If someone tells you they found you through the Race Recap Roundup #linkup please be courteous and comment on their race recap as well! .. the more the merrier!
Now go have fun and mingle on everyone’s race recaps!! :)
Link up your race recap below!! :)
Suggested Example for Name: Runner's Luck - Shaded Sky 5k
Then put in the direct link to that post!
Thanks for joining the par-tay! :)
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